Schreiber says digitilisation the answer to border corruption
Leon Schreiber - Latest News
24/03, 13:45
Home Affairs upgrades digital verification system
11/03, 05:27
Any consideration to introduce e-voting must enhance voting process: Schreiber
07/03, 06:20
Schreiber says won’t allow Home Affairs Dept to be used to wage political battles
12/02, 05:53
Schreiber says changes to visa application system to bring influx of tourists from China, India to SA
22/01, 06:57
Parliament’s Home Affairs committee rallying behind Minister Leon Schreiber to modernise the department
29/11, 15:55
Reprieve for Zimbabwean Exemption Permit holders
28/11, 05:33
Home Affairs Minister says digitisation efforts restricted by State Information Technology Agency
12/11, 15:52
BMA doesn't have adequate capacity to protect SA’s ports of entry - Schreiber
05/11, 13:12
Operations at Government Printing Works being hamstrung by reliance on SITA - Schreiber
30/10, 06:50
Parly committee lambasts Home Affairs' Schreiber for missing recent meetings
29/10, 06:24
President Ramaphosa won't sign visa-free agreement between SA & Ukraine - ANC's Mbalula
28/10, 14:09
SA and Ukraine still concluding visa-free access agreement
28/10, 07:16
SA-Ukraine visa agreement in the pipeline since 2020, clarifies Presidency
10/10, 12:54
Cabinet welcomes the gazetting of South Africa’s new visa regime
01/10, 12:01
Plan to digitise Home Affairs Dept proves feasible, says Minister Schreiber
21/09, 13:00
To assist matriculants, Home Affairs offices to open on Saturdays
19/09, 06:02
'Remote Work Visa' a win-win for South Africa - Home Affairs Minister Leon Schreiber
04/09, 05:36
Home Affairs Minister Schreiber excited about new visa reforms aimed at boosting tourism
03/09, 17:00
Schreiber promises no more long queues, offline systems at Home Affairs as digital move beckons
03/09, 15:45
Chidimma Adetshina's mom has right to travel outside SA despite corruption case against her - Schreiber
03/09, 14:00
Plans underway for Home Affairs to migrate to working digitally - Schreiber
03/09, 10:32
109 cases of document fraud reported to home affairs counter corruption unit since March: Schreiber
23/08, 10:20
Schreiber believes Home Affairs on right track in latest bid to cancel fraudulent IDs
21/08, 05:42
Home Affairs will be vulnerable to corruption until it undergoes a complete digital transformation, warns Schreiber
20/08, 12:10
Extortion groups devastate Eastern Cape businesses
20/08, 10:19